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Seventh-day Adventism Refuted
(Their doctrines and false teachings)
The Seventh-day Adventist Church and their prophet, Ellen G. White teach some very different doctrines from the rest of the historic Christian Church. Are the Seventh-day Adventists right about the permanence of the Ten Commandments and the seventh day Sabbath? Is their any truth to their belief in 1844 and the Investigative Judgment? Was Ellen G. White a true prophet of God or was she a false prophet? Is the Seventh-day Adventist Church a cult or just another protestant denomination? Decide for yourself.
Articles on Ellen G. White & SDA Doctrines:
Articles on Select Verses from the Bible:
  • Abraham kept God’s commandments, but which ones? Genesis 26:5 says, “because Abraham obeyed my voice and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.” Abraham kept all of the commands given to him up to his time.

  • The New Heavens and the New Earth in Isaiah 65-66: The Seventh-day Adventist Commentary comes to many false conclusions about Isaiah 65 & Isaiah 66 and the Sabbath in the New Earth.

  • God promised to make a New Covenant for us to live by (Jeremiah 31:31-33): God said it would not be like the covenant He made with their fathers under the Old Covenant. The New Covenant is not the Old Covenant all over again.

  • What was “fulfilled” and “accomplished” in Matthew 5:17-18? in Matthew 5:17-20, Jesus said he did not come to destroy the Law but to fulfill it. By instituting the New Covenant, Jesus would fulfill all of the Law’s demands. Jesus fulfilled the Law both by His obedience to it, and by His sacrificial death, through which He satisfied the law’s demands for those who put their trust in Him.

  • The Sabbath was made for man: Mark 2:27-28 says, Jesus said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. “So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.” Jesus was talking to the Pharisees who were imposing restrictions on the Sabbath that God never intended. Context is everything.

  • Acts 15 & the Jerusalem Council: Acts 15:28-29 says, “For it has seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay on you no greater burden than these requirements: that you abstain from what has been sacrificed to idols, and from blood, and from what has been strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you keep yourselves from these, you will do well. Farewell.”

  • The Apostle John was not saying keep the Ten Commandments in any of His writings. We have to see how John uses the different words for “law” and “commandments” in his writings to understand his meaning.

  • Colossians 2:14-17 and the Sabbath: The Old Covenant has been fulfilled! All the sacrifices, Holy Days, Feasts, New Moon celebrations, and Dietary restrictions have been fulfilled and brought to an end by the New Covenant, including the weekly Seventh-day Sabbath.

  • Colossians 2:16-17 and the Seventh-Day Adventist Church: The context shows that the “festival or a new moon or a Sabbath” were the regulations of the Jewish yearly calendar.

  • The book of Colossians and the Christian’s Record of Debt: Our debt to God is far more immense than anyone can know. What you see on the surface is only the tip of the iceberg! Whether we admit it or not, we all sin every day in thought and deed!

  • God’s divine rest in the book of Hebrews: The author of Hebrews warns his Jewish readers about some of Israel’s difficult history under Moses’ leadership in the desert wilderness. As a result, the author cautions the followers of the Son of God not to repeat this same pattern of failing to enter into God’s eternal rest.

  • The Sabbath Rest of Hebrews  4: The rest in Hebrews  4 is said to be a “sabbatismós” rest. What does the word “sabbatismós” mean (with an expositional study of Hebrews 4:1-12)

  • Hebrews  4 and the Seventh-day Adventist Church: Ellen G. White admitted that there is nothing in the New Testament commanding us to keep the Sabbath. Jesus Christ is the “rest” that God wants us to enter into, and we can do that right now. We can do that “Today.”

  • What does Romans 14 say about our Christian liberty? Romans 14:15, together with the related texts in 1 Corinthians 8 and 1 Corinthians 10, contains what has often been called the “stumbling block” principle. It is the principle of Christian life and conduct that whatever we do or say should not become a hindrance to the faith and life of a Christian brother or sister.

  • Ephesians and the New Covenant Church: Jews and Gentiles form one body of believers under the New Covenant. The Mosaic Covenant had served as a dividing wall or partition that was meant to separate Israel from the unbelieving Gentiles.

  • What is the Royal Law of Liberty in James 2:8-13? There are two laws at issue, not one! The Royal Law of Liberty and the (Mosaic) Law. James says the royal law is the law of love.

  • The ark of the covenant seen in heaven: Seventh-day Adventists try to make a big deal about the ark pictured in heaven but fail to apply the same principles to the rest of Revelation as a whole and this vision in particular. The temple, the court yard, the alter, manna and Aaron’s staff are all seen too.

Articles on the Good News of the Gospel:
  • What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ? The good news is, Jesus did not come to show us that we can keep the Old Covenant law if we only try harder. Salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ alone and not by any works we do.

  • The New Covenant of Jesus Christ is a better covenant! Jesus Christ came into this world to show us the meaning of love. God’s love for us was revealed in the death and resurrection of His one and only Son. Christ died for us so we could have peace with God and have eternal life.

  • What does it mean to be born again? Because of Adam and Eve’s sin, we are all born spiritually dead (Genesis 3). Cut off from God and with no hope of salvation in ourselves. It is only through God’s divine act of grace that we can be saved from our spiritual condition.

  • Do you have a saving faith? We have to believe by faith that Jesus was God in the flesh, and that He died for our eternal redemption. How we respond to what Jesus did for us reveals the true nature of our faith. 

  • What does it mean to confess and repent? Jesus came into this world to preach the kingdom of heaven and call upon us to repent. Jesus said in Mark 1:15, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.”

  • Knowing who you are in Christ Jesus: The Bible describes our salvation in terms of a process: past, present, and future. When we are saved, we enter into a lifelong process of becoming more like Jesus Christ Himself. Our salvation is sure and we can know with certainty that we are saved and will be with Christ for eternity. When we come to Christ certain things happen in our lives.

  • We serve in the new way of the Spirit. Under the New Covenant, we have the total and complete forgiveness of ours sins through faith in Jesus Christ alone. And we have God’s promise of the Holy Spirit living inside of us as a guarantee of our eternal inheritance.

  • Be Transformed into the Image of Christ! Our sinful nature is in constant rebellion against God. The only way we can overcome our sin problem is by receiving a new nature from God Himself. 

  • How do we overcome our sinful nature? We are all born sinners. Our sin nature is in constant rebellion against God. But God loved us enough to take the initiative to save us.

  • Do you know what it means to be “in Christ”? When God created Adam and Eve, they were created to live inside the perfect love of God. God intended that they should get their self-worth and significance from Him! He was their creator and he knew what was best for them.

  • Good works and the royal law of liberty in the book of James: There are two laws at issue in this passage, not one. The royal law of liberty and the Old Covenant (Mosaic) Law. The “royal law” in James 2:8-9 is the law of love.

  • The New Covenant made the Old Covenant obsolete: The covenant God made with Israel at Mount Sinai eventually became known as the “Old Covenant” (2 Corinthians 3:14), or the “first covenant” (Hebrews 8:7; 9:15, 18). There was only one law God gave to Israel, not two.

  • The law of sin and death, and the curse of the law: Once God gave the law it actually increased sin. The Law magnified sin and was added to point out the need for redemption. The law made sin even more sinful by revealing what sin is in contrast to God’s holiness.

  • Is it possible for anyone to keep the Ten Commandments? If someone tries to live a good life by keeping the Law of God, can that person know for certain they will be with God for all eternity? If no one can actually keep the commandments then why did God give them to Israel in the first place?

  • What does Jesus mean when He says, keep His commandments? The disciples’ love for Christ is revealed in their obeying His commands. Christ has set the pattern of love and obedience and His disciples are expected to follow His example.

  • The Divinity of Jesus Christ: Jesus Christ is equal with God Himself. In both Titus 2:13 and 2 Peter 1:1, Jesus is called “God and Savior,” making these two verses the clearest declarations in the New Testament of Christ’s divinity.

  • We are justified by faith apart from works of the law (An outline of the book of Romans). 

  • Trying to keep the law will only bring God’s curse (An outline of the book of Galatians).

  • Helping people trapped in a false gospel: Soon after Paul’s first missionary journey was over he heard that the churches he started in southern Galatia had come under attack from the Judaizers, men who preached strict adherence to the laws of Moses and a false gospel of works-righteousness. Paul dealt with the problems facing the Galatian church forcefully proving that salvation is by faith in Christ alone and that the law has no power over those of us who are in Christ.

General Articles & Writings:

“Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible”
“Used by permission. All rights reserved.”
ESV Text Edition: 2016


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