What do Seventh-day
Adventists believe? Who was Ellen G. White? Was she
a prophet of God, or a false prophet sent to
deceive the Church?
Links to Websites, Articles and
Videos about The Seventh-day Adventist
Plagiarism |
False Prophet |
The Trinity |
The Sanctuary and 1844 |
The Shut
Door |
10 Commandments & the Sabbath |
Lord’s Day |
The Seal and the Mark
The Remnant |
Legalism & Works-Salvation |
Soul Sleep |
SDAs and Ellen G. White |
Clear Word
Good Books |
Online Tracts |
Videos on Seventh-day Adventism
The Writings of the Early Church Fathers|
General Apologetics
In Him Ministries

Articles from In-Him Ministries on
Doctrines of the Seventh-day Adventist
Send your
recommended links to:

The official website of the
Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Did Adventist Leaders Lie to Walter

A look back at the Adventist / Evangelical
dialogues in the mid 1950s
G. White and Plagiarism:
Investigate: Ellen White’s Plagiarism
Investigate: Ellen White’s Plagiarism
Ellen G. White Prophet? or Plagiarist!
Was Ellen G. White a Plagiarist?
Plagiarism In the Writings of Ellen G White
Ellen White False Prophet
The Great Controversy plagiarism
Seventh-day Adventist Prophet White Is
Called Plagiarist
A True Prophet? - exAdventist Outreach
Examination of the Prophetic Claims of Ellen
G. White
E.G. White Estate Admits to EGW’s Unethical
“Borrowing” of Material
Did Ellen G. White Violate the Copyright
Laws of Her Day?
7th-Day Adventists Face Change and Dissent
Ellen G. White - the Myth and the Truth by
A. Kaspersen
Ellen G White – Refuted: Armchair Theologian

Ellen G. White:
Was she a False
Is Ellen
White a false prophet? Investigate for
Does Mrs. White Pass the Biblical Tests of a
Prophecy Blunders of Ellen G. White their
inspired prophet!
The False Teachers: Ellen G. White
Who was Ellen G. White? Got Questions
Welcome to Ellen White False Prophet
SDA: Was Ellen White a True Prophetess of
More of Ellen G. White’s failed prophecies
Ellen Gould White, FALSE PROPHET:
Is Ellen White a false prophet? Investigate
Not a Prophetess But a Messenger
Adventism—The Reflection of Ellen G. White
Examination of the Prophectic Claims of
Ellen G. White
Prophecies - True and False by Wayne
Jackson, M.A.
A Question of Ethics: Ellen G. White
We Must Test the Prophets In Him Ministries
Ellen G White – Refuted: Armchair Theologian
Ellen G. White Contradicts the Bible Over 50
Seventh-day Adventism: The Spirit behind the
Wolf among the sheep – The False Prophet:
Ellen G. White
Ellen G. White’s Contradictions with the
Adventism Articles by Steve Daily, Ph.D.

Adventism and the Trinity:
Does Seventh-day Adventism Teach the
The Biblical Basis of the Doctrine of the
Trinity by Robert Bowman
Trinity Quotes by SDA Pioneers (They were
all Arians)
Going Deeper into Adventism’s Trinity
Theological Scoffing—Taking on Progressive
Adventism and Their Trinity
Adventism’s Love-Hate Relationship with The
What’s So Important About the Holy Spirit?
Cult Evangelism on SDAs and the Trinity from
Exposing the counterfeit SDA
Is Jesus Christ the Lord God Almighty?
Did Ellen White teach ‘A Different God’?
Adventism's Fundamental Belief #2: Trinity
or tritheism?
Comparison of Adventism to Christianity -
Life Assurance Ministries
SDA Publications:
The Trinity in Seventh-day Adventist History
| Ministry Magazine

The Sanctuary, 1844 and Investigative Judgment:
Investigative Judgment as defined by the
Seventh-day Adventist Church.
The Investigative Judgment and the
Everlasting Gospel by Desmond Ford
Is the Investigative Judgment Biblical? by
Joseph Rector
Seventh-Day Adventism by A. H. Dekker
Is the Investigative Judgment biblical? by
Lying for God
Evaluating Seventh-day Adventism by Nathan
The Truth About Seventh-Day Adventism by
Walter R. Martin
The Investigative Judgment | Christian
Answer Man
Are Seventh-Day Adventists Christian?
1844 - Is it Prophetic?
The Sanctuary Doctrine: Asset or Liability?
The Seventh-day Adventist Church was Founded
on a Failed Eschatology
The Investigative
Judgment Refuted
The Investigative Judgment Heresy
SDA “Truth” Versus Bible Truth:
Investigative Judgment
The Investigative Judgment: from The
Armchair Theologian
The Investigative Judgment: In Him
Investigative judgment made simple By Robert
K. Sanders
Proclamation! A collection of articles on
the Investigative Judgment
Proclamation! New Improved Investigative
The Clear Word On the Sanctuary, 1844, and
the Investigative Judgment
Investigative Judgment: A Deep Examination |
Answering Adventism
Did Jesus not enter the Most Holy Place
until 1844? | Answering Adventism
Refuting 1844 and the Investigative Judgment
| Answering Adventism
The Investigative Judgment in Light of the
Daniel 8:8-14 Launching Seventh-Day

The Scapegoat:
Who is your scapegoat? (lifeassuranceministries.org)
Scapegoat: Satan or Jesus? (truthorfables.com)
What is the meaning of Azazel / the
scapegoat? | GotQuestions.org
The Ultimate Scapegoat - Jews for Jesus
Christ Our Scapegoat | Christian Library
SDA article on: The Scapegoat in the
Writings of Ellen G. White (She was

The Shut Door
Ellen G. White:
The Shut Door Visions and Cover-up!
Shut Door Teachings Prove SDA Prophet False
Ellen White’s teachings on the shut door of
Ellen G. White - the Myth and the Truth by
A. Kaspersen
Shut Door Chronology (nonsda.org)
Ellen G White — the Myth and the Truth by A.
Prophecy Blunders of Ellen G. White their
inspired prophet!
Ellen G. White found guilty of plagiarism
Proof that Ellen G. White Fails the Tests of
a Prophet
Truth or Fables: List of Subjects
More from David DePhino (The Shut Door)
The Shut Door - Cultofadventism
Armchair Theologian: No Hope of Heaven:
Behind the Shut Door of Ellen White
Wolf among the sheep - The False Prophet:
Ellen G. White
The Shut-door and the Sanctuary: Historical
and Theological Problems
See how the Seventh-day Adventist Church
attempts to twist the truth and explain away what Ellen
White really taught about the Shut Door and
Ellen G. White® Estate: “The Shut Door”
Ellen G. White® Estate: The “Shut Door”
Documents Now see the
true chronology for yourself in Ellen
White’s own
Dr. Steve Daily, Ellen G White A
Psychobiography, video presentation
Ellen G. White:
The Shut Door Visions and Cover-up! In Him

The 10 Commandments & the Sabbath:
National Sunday Law - Fact or Fiction? Is
the Sabbath the Final Test?
The Sabbath and the New Covenant: In Him
Is the Sabbath Still Required for
Christians? Tom Schreiner
Old Testament Laws: Is the Sabbath Required
for Christians Today?
The Sabbath: from the Armchair Theologian
The Law: from the Armchair Theologian
The Law to Be Deposited Beside the Ark: In
Him Ministries
Is the Sabbath a Moral Law or a Ceremonial
Law? | GCI Archive
Sabbath Keeping and the New Covenant
Are the Sabbath laws binding on Christians
Jesus Christ: The Sabbath Rest of the New
The Seventh-Day Sabbath Was the Sign of the
Mosaic Covenant!
The Sabbath in Colossians by Greg Taylor
Knowing the Covenants puts Sabbath in its place
What is the Sabbath day? Got Questions
What is the purpose of the Mosaic Law? Got
The Law of God vs. The Law of Moses: In Him
What does it mean that the Sabbath was made
for man and not man for the Sabbath?
Should We Keep the Sabbath?
Which “Sabbath” is Paul Referencing?
Colossians 2 - Exposition by Elce
Thunder Lauriston
The Ten Commandments (The Churches of
What does it mean that Jesus fulfilled the
law, but did not abolish it?
37 Scriptures That Prove Christians Are Not
Under The Law
The Law that is Written on Our Hearts is not
the Ten Commandments
I Renounced the Sabbath After 47 Years By
Robert K. Sanders
Old Testament Laws: What Do the Scriptures
Say About the Sabbath?
Old Testament Laws: Is the Sabbath Required
for Christians Today?
10 False
distinctions between the 10 Commandments
and the ceremonial law exposed!
Sabbath in the New Testament
Why We Are Not Under The Old Testament Laws
The Old and New Covenants (Grace Communion
The Mosaic Covenant by William Barrick
Article Index (Grace Communion
Why Observing the Sabbath is Not Applicable
to the Christian
The Ten Commandments
Re-Examined by Robert D. Brinsmead
Sabbatarianism Re-Examined - Chapter 4:
Galations 4:10,11
Sabbatarianism Re-Examined - Chapter 5:
Colossians 2:16-17
Sabbatarianism Re-Examined - Chapter 6:
Romans 14:5
Sabbatarianism Re-Examined - Chapter 8: What
About the Ten Commandments?

The Lord’s Day (The
First Day in Christianity)
Quotes about Sabbaths and Feasts from
throughout Christian History
The Lord’s Day: Sabbath or Sunday according
to the Early Church Fathers?
From Sabbath
keeping to Worshiping on Sunday
Quotes from Early Church Fathers: the
Sabbath, Lord’s Day, and Worship - Apostles
Quotes From The Early Church Fathers On The
Sabbath/Lord’s Day Issue
Sunday Worship or the Lord’s Day in the
Early Christianity - Christian Heritage
The First Day and the Sabbath in the New
Covenant: In Him Ministries
The Sabbath & Sunday by Pastor J. Mark
The Lord’s Day From Neither Catholic nor
Samuele Bacchiocchi, SDA Historian Refuted
What is the Lord’s day? Got Questions
Is Sunday the Christian Sabbath?
Saturday (Sabbath) or First day?
Did Constantine change the Sabbath from
Saturday to Sunday?

Sabbath as the Seal of God and Sunday as the
Mark of the Beast:
The Seal of God (Truth or Fables)
SDA “Truth” Versus Bible Truth: Seal of God
SDA “Truth” Versus Bible Truth: Mark of the
Is the Sabbath the Seal of God?
The Seal of God in the New Covenant: In Him
SDAs teach that Sunday worshippers “Are the
Mark of the Beast”
Facts and False Doctrines of the Seventh Day
Adventist Beliefs
What is the Seal of God? Got Questions
The Fallacy of the Mark of the Beast being
Sunday worship
Ellen White Quotes: Sabbath is the seal
What is the mark of the beast? |
Is it possible for a person to get the mark
of the Beast today?
Go to Church on Sunday to Get the Mark of
the Beast
National Sunday Law: Fact or Fiction? Main
National Sunday Law - Fact or Fiction? Is
the Sabbath the Seal of God?
Helpful links on the Sabbath/Sunday
If you are looking
for the premier website for Historical
Christian writings go to the “Christian
Classics Ethereal Library” at:
https://www.ccel.org (The premier
website for Historical Christian writings).
The Sabbath.
The First Day and the Resurrection of
Quotes About the Sabbath: Quotes about
Sabbaths and Feasts from throughout
Christian History.
The Lord’s Day: Sabbath or Sunday?
Sabbath to Sunday: What Really Happened
Under Constantine?
Did Constantine change the Sabbath from
Saturday to Sunday?
Nicea Myths: Common Fables About The
Council of Nicea and Constantine.
The Beginning of Christianity.
When did the Christian church switch the
Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday?
3 Reasons Sunday Is Not the Christian
Quotes from Early Church Fathers: the
Sabbath, Lord’s Day, and Worship.
Sunday Worship or the Lord’s Day in the
Early Christianity - Christian Heritage

The Remnant People of God:
Bridgeway Bible Dictionary: The Remnant
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia:
The Remnant
are the remnant people of God?
SDA “Truth” Versus Bible Truth: The Remnant
Bible Truth Versus Adventist Truth -
Identity of Remnant Church
The Remnant People of God in Scripture: In Him
Seventh-day Adventism and the Remnant
True Remnant Exalts Christ, Not Self
Remnant: A Study of Romans 11 – Online
Not Restoring, Not Reforming: The true
People of God
Seventh-day Adventist Church - New World
Who is God’s remnant? | Sampson Independent
God’s Chosen Remnant | Reformed Bible
Studies & Devotionals
What does the Bible mean when it refers to a
remnant? Got Questions

Legalism and
Still Changing Lives! In Him Ministries
What does the Bible say about legalism?
Life Assurance Ministries: Salvation.
Investigating Ellen White’s Angel.
What Is Legalism? Definition and Examples
3 Types of Legalism
“But that’s legalism!” What Legalism Is and
What Exactly is Legalism? It’s More
Complicated Than You Think
Evaluating Seventh-day Adventism
Can Christians be Perfect, Flawless or
Without Sin?
Would you classify the Seventh-Day Adventist
Church as a true Christian Church?
What is Sin? (It’s much more than just
transgressing the Law) In Him Ministries
What Can the Christian Eat Under the New
Covenant? In Him Ministries
Blog Post - Legalism and Sanctification
What Does the Bible Say About the Old
Testament Law?
Ellen G. White and the Gospel Test?
A Saved Christian - (Former SDA) Dale Hand
The Flawed arguments of law keepers
Why We Are Not Under The Old Testament Laws
Do Christians Sin? Why Can Believers Still
Salvation According to Whom? by Joseph
Is sinless perfection possible in this life?
The Godly Heresy of Sinless Perfectionism
Can a Christian achieve sinless perfection?
What is Legalism and Why is it so Bad? by
Erik Raymond
Move Away from Legalism by Robin Brace
Legalist! The Gospel Coalition
Now is the Right time to claim Salvation

Death and Soul Sleep:
Let us Reason Ministries: Soul Sleep
North American Mission Board: Soul Sleep
The State of the Dead by exAdventist
State of the Dead: Armchair Theologian
Holman Bible Dictionary: The Intermediate
Are People Unconscious at Death? (Soul
The State of the Dead
The Errors of Soul Sleep by Keith Piper
Death and the Doctrine of Soul Sleep: In Him
Awake beyond
the Grave: What the Bible Says about Soul

About the
Adventist Church and Ellen G. White:
Lying for God!
Truth or Fables
Sabbatismos Ministries
Armchair Theologian: Former SDA
Is Ellen G.
White a false prophet?
Seventh Day Adventism: CRI Statement
Truth the same as Bible Truth?
Discover: Is SDA Truth the same as Bible
Seventh-day Adventism: Their Doctrines and
False Teachings
Amazing Fiction: SDA prophecy teachings
compared to the Bible
Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry:
Seventh Day Adventism
exAdventist Outreach
Escape to Reality – Exploring the wide
open spaces of God’s amazing grace
7th day Adventism Articles from Let us
Gospel Outreach Ministries Online
Gospel Outreach: The Seventh-day
Adventist Church
Former Adventist Fellowship Online
Proclamation! Online Magazine
Life Assurance Ministries Home
Sabbath or Sunday According to the Bible
9 Things You Should Know About Seventh-day
Seventh-day Adventist Church Profile
Good News Unlimited: Desmond Ford
Seventh-day Adventist Church a Cult?
The Sabbath in Christ: Dale and Carolyn
Proof that Ellen G. White Fails the
Tests of a Prophet
Seventh-day Adventism Teach the Trinity?
10 Questions about Adventism: Master’s
Seminary Blog
Field Guide to the Wild World of Religion:
Seventh-day Adventism
Seventh-day Adventists: The history and
modern-day organization
Would you classify the Seventh-Day Adventist
Church as a true Christian Church or cult
Seventh Day Adventism from CRI
Sabbath Keepers EXPOSED!
Hidden Heresies of Seventh-Day
Truth According to Scripture
Clear Word Exposed
Exposing Seventh-Day Adventism
Cult Help and Information - Bible Based
Cults & Isms
John MacArthur answers a question about
The False Teachers: Ellen G. White
All Experts: SDA church is a cultic
SDA Church: Cult or True Religion?
Outreach: Seventh-day
Adventists--Christian or Cult?
Does Paul say no one should judge us
regarding the Sabbath?
What Was “Nailed to the Cross”? By R.
K. McGregor Wright
Apologetics Index: Seventh-day Adventism
The Bereans Apologetics Research Ministry:
Cult Profiles: SDA
The Cult of Seventh Day Adventistism
Cult Awareness & Information Centre: The
Meat Of The Adventist Message
A Warning About Seventh-Day Adventism
Is Seventh-Day Adventism a Cult? by Phil
Is Seventh-day Adventism a cult? Truth or Fables
85 Questions For SDAs: Amazing Facts about
the Sabbath...
Seventh-day Adventism and the Writings
of Ellen G. White
Dialogue with a Seventh Day Adventist,
by Samuel Fisk
Seventh-day Adventism | Catholic Answers
Facts Seventh-day Adventists Won’t Tell You?
Amazing Facts about the Sabbath and other
stumper questions!
What is Seventh-day Adventism, and what do
Seventh-day Adventists believe?
Index of Cults and Religions: Profile on
Seventh-day Adventists
Cult or Christian? Seventh-day Adventism
Did Adventist leaders lie to Walter Martin?
Steve Daily is a licensed psychologist and
an ordained minister
The 1919 Bible Conference
1919 Bible Conference: - All Documents: A
Must Read!
The 1919 Bible Conference and its
Significance for Seventh-day Adventist
History and Theology

The Clear Word Heresy
Clear Word Exposed
Deliberate Distortions of the SDA Clear Word
The SDA Clear Word Bible Exposed!
Is the Clear Word Official?
Introduction to the Seventh-day Adventist
Clear Word Bible
Clear Word vs Bible: Michael the Archangel |
Armchair Theologian
Understanding Adventist Heresy | The
Bible-Runner Online
The Text of the Gospels: The Clear Word:
Clear, But Far from Pure
The Clear Word Bible: Is it the Word of God?
| Watchman Fellowship, Inc.
Clear Word “Bible” A letter from David
Thinking Christian: Book Review: “The Clear
SDA Clear Word Bible
Rational Christian Discernment : A Critical
Exposure Of The Clear Word Bible
For Jesus The Amen: Why to steer clear of
the Clear Word Bible

The Health Message
Ellen G. White’s health reform—ahead of the
Ellen White’s Health Teachings
SDA “Truth” Versus Bible Truth:
The Meat of the Adventist Health Message
False Health Teachings
Behaviour and ethics: Healthy living
The Meat Of The Adventist Health Message
Amazing Facts about the Sabbath and other
stumper questions!
What is Seventh-day Adventism, and what do
Seventh-day Adventists believe?
The Seventh-day Adventist Health Message:
From Where Did It Come?
Myths of Vegetarianism (collection of
Soy Alert! Studies Showing Adverse Effects
of Soy
Being an ’unhealthy’ vegan can RAISE the
risk of breast cancer in women
Health Message | Video with Cheryl Granger
with Colleen Tinker
The Origins of Our Nutritional Guidelines |
Belinda Fettke
What are Christians allowed to eat under the
New Covenant? In Him Ministries

Good Books
about Seventh-day Adventism:
The Life of Mrs. E.G. White Her False
Claims Refuted by
D.M. Canright
Seventh-day Adventism Renounced by D. M.
Another Look at Seventh-day Adventism by
Norman F Douty
The White Lie by Walter Rea
The Visions of E.G. White Not of God by
Snook and Brinkerhoff
Ellen G. White - The Myth and the
Truth by Asmund Kaspersen
Beware This Cult by Dr. Gregory Hunt
The Sabbath In the Old and New Covenants: In
Him Ministries
National Sunday Law: Fact or Fiction? By
Dirk Anderson
The Three Angels’ Messages Examined By
E.S. Ballenger
the New Covenant: Why I Am No Longer a
Seventh-day Adventist
Beware This Cult!
An insider exposes Seventh-day Adventism. .
Sabbath in Christ by Dale Ratzlaff
Truth About Adventist
“Truth” by Dale
The Cultic Doctrine of Seventh-day
Adventism: by Dale Ratzlaff
Truth Led Me
Out by
Dale Ratzlaff
My Cup Overflows – Online Magazine
Adventism Examined by Rick Barker
Days of Delusion by Clara Endicott Sears
White Out: An Investigation of Ellen G.
White by Dirk Anderson
White Washed: Uncovering the Myths of
Ellen G. White by Sydney Cleveland
The Case of D. M. Canright: Seventh-day
Adventist Charges Examined
Judged by the Gospel by Robert Brinsmead
Sabbatarianism Re-Examined by Robert D.
Sabbatarianism Re-Examined by Robert D.
Brinsmead (broken down by chapter).
A Theologian’s Journey: From Seventh-day
Adventism to Mainstream Christianity
The Person of Jesus: God’s Obligatory
The Lord’s Day From Neither Catholics Nor
Pagans (Life Assurance Ministries)
All Foods Are Clean And Every Day Is The
Sabbath: A Response to Samuele Bacchiocchi
and Seventh-day Adventism on Romans 14
Exposing Adventism: Volume I
Exposing Seventh-Day Adventism
A Study in the Covenants by Chris Lee
Prophetess of Health: A Study of Ellen
G. White by Dr. Ronald Numbers
Pirates of Privilege by Walter T. Rea
Cast out for the Cross by Albion F.
SDA Conference where Ellen White’s
inspiration is discussed, in 1919 A.D.
Testimony of H. F. Brown (Ex-Member after 80
Seventh-day Adventists Answer: Questions on
The Sabbath and the Lord’s Day – Online
Magazine (Life Assurance Ministries)
Truth Led Me Out – Online Magazine (Life
Assurance Ministries)
Seventh Day Adventism and the Writings of
Ellen G. White by J. Mark Martin
Ellen G. White A Psychobiography by Steve
The Sabbath: What You Need To Know: 16
Propositions Against Mandatory and
Salvational Sabbath-Keeping by Elce-Junior
“Thunder” Lauriston Hiding In Plain
Sight: The False Doctrines of Seventh-day
Adventism by Elce-Junior Lauriston:
Volume I:
Volume 2:
Volume 3:

Online Tracts
about Seventh-day Adventism:
The Founders of the Seventh-day
Adventist Denomination by L.R. Conradi
Mrs. E. G. White’s Claims to Divine
Inspiration Examined by H.E. Carver
An Examination of Ellen White’s
Visions by Miles Grant
Daniel 8:14 studied in context by Dale
The Testimonies of Mrs. E.G. White
Compared with the Bible by H.C.

Videos about
The Seventh-day Adventist Church and Ellen G. White:
Videos about The
Seventh-day Adventism:
Christian Scholars Forum C.S.F - YouTube
Seventh Day Adventism - The Spirit behind
the Church:
The Truth About Seventh Day Adventist -
Frances and Friends
What Is A Seventh-Day Adventist?
Seventh-Day Adventists Christians? With Dale
Ratzlaff, Part 1
Seventh-Day Adventists Christians? With Dale
Ratzlaff, Part 2
Former Seventh-day Adventist Pastor Exposes
the Lies & Intentional Deceits...
Dale Ratzlaff: Three Adventist Doctrines
that Compromise the Gospel
Questions and Answers (Seventh-day
I was WRONG, WRONG, WRONG about Seventh-Day
Adventism - Part I
Walter Martin vs. William Johnsson - Is
Seventh-Day Adventism a Cult?
What Is Wrong With Seventh Day Adventism? |
Intermediate Discipleship #13
Is Seventh-day Adventism a Cult, by Dr Phil
Is Seventh-day Adventism a Cult? - Dr Phil
Johnson Part 2
Sabbath and The Lord’s Day | Phil Johnson |
FAF Conference 2021
Wretched TV
on Seventh-day Adventism
How Should Evangelicals View Seventh-Day
The Doctrine of the Seventh-day Adventists
Wretched’s Todd Friel destroys any reason to
be a Seventh-day Adventist
Seventh Day Adventist CULT EXPOSED -
Preached by Pastor Steven Anderson
Interviews by Pastor J. Mark Martin
J. Mark Martin: Why do Christians worship on
The Line in the Sand: The Gospel and
Adventism, by J. Mark Martin
The Sabbath & Sunday by Pastor J. Mark
How I Discovered Seventh-day Adventism By
Paul Carden
The Trinity in Seventh-day Adventist History
Is Seventh-Day Adventism a Cult? Sermon from
Grace Church
When did the Christian church switch the
Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday?
“Adventism’s Gospel vs. Galatians’ Gospel” |
Jim Valentine | FAF Conference 2020
Understanding the Sabbath (Genesis 2:1-3)
Official Sabbath Debate - Jim Staley vs.
Chris Rosebrough
Dale Ratzlaff: Does the Sabbath continue in
the New Covenant?
Rob Bowman: The Trouble With the Trinity
(FAF 2015)
The Doctrine of the Seventh-day Adventists
Who Is the Adventist Jesus? | Tim Martin |
FAF Michigan 2018
Defeating Adventism: A series of excellent
videos |
Video List
Academy Apologia: More Defeating Adventism
Prominent LLU Professor: ‘No Sunday Law, No
Great Controversy, No End-time Prophet and
the Mark of the Beast is Undetermined’ |
Advent Messenger
about Ellen G. White:
Who was Ellen G. White?
Dealing with Seventh-day Adventism & Their
“Prophetess”” with 53 videos:
15 Bible Contradictions from Ellen G. White
The Latest From Ellen G. White | Jim
Valentine | FAF Michigan 2018
Cult of Ellen G. White #1: Beginnings of the
19th Century Religion Called Seventh-Day
Cult of Ellen G. White #2: Strange &
Distinctive Seventh-day Adventist Beliefs
Dr. Steve Daily, Ellen G White A

The Writings of the Early Church Fathers:
Christian History
Early Christian Writings
Classics Ethereal library
Christian Classics Ethereal library (Church

General Links on Theology and Apologetics:
General Apologetics:
Links to other Apologetic Christian
Apologetics Index
Apologetics Index: Bible Contradictions. . .
Index of of Cults and Religions
Apologetics by Trinity College
Apologia Report
Worldview Ministries of Sean McDowell
Christian Answers Net
Christian Apologetics and Research
North American Mission Board (SBC)
Christian Ministry Report
Crossroads Project
Does God Exist?
Global Outreach Ministries
Reasoning from the Scriptures
Summit Ministries
Principles of Bible Prophecy : Christian
Centers for Apologetics Research (CFAR)
Let Us Reason Ministries ON cults,
Gospel Outreach Ministries Online
CRI Journal
CRI Newsletter
Christian Research
Martin’s Homepage
Answers in Action!
Cold Case Christianity
John Ankerberg
Theological Research Institute
Christian Information Ministries
Apologetics Press
Are The NT Gospels Reliable?
Stand To Reason
Links to all Kinds of Christian Websites
What is the definition of heresy?
Cult Awareness and Information Centre
Answers in Genesis
Creation Science: In the Beginning
Institute for Creation Research (ICR)
Discovery Institute: Evolution News
A Biblical Theology of Creation
Questions about Creation (All)
What Is the Biblical Account of Special

Links to Pages from In Him Ministries
The SDA Church:
Their Doctrines and False Teachings
Topical Index of Theology: In Him
Growing in Christ: In Him Ministries
Trinity Outline: In Him Ministries
250 Charts on the Bible: In Him Ministries
The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ: In Him
Eschatology: an Introduction: In Him
New Covenant Theology: In Him
Bible Studies Online: In Him
Links to all Kinds of Christian Websites:
In Him Ministries
The Sabbath In the Old and New Covenants:
In Him Ministries
