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Thoughts from the Well

Is it possible for one idea to change the world?

Tonight I was ready to just kick back and watch a good movie. I didn't want to think to hard or be swept away with an emotional movie that made me think to much. Have you ever felt that way? I looked at all the new films on the video store's shelf and just told my wife to pick out something she wanted to see. She had heard some good things about the movie entitled "Pay it Forward" so we took it home and put it in the VCR. I have to admit, I was sucked right into this wonderfully moralistic film about a 7th grade boy named Trevor, who after getting his first assignment for the year, set out to change just three peoples lives with acts of kindness. Those people would in turn, have to pay that act of kindness forward to three other people. He had a grand idea, not just small acts of kindness but it had to be something hard, grand, noble and life changing. And his idea took hold and soon spread to other parts of the country. This was a fun movie!

One of Trevor's chosen projects was another young boy in his class that was always being picked on by the school bullies. He wanted to stand up for him. To help him with his dilemma. The first time he saw his friend being beaten up, Trevor couldn't find the courage to help him. But after his idea spread and he was interviewed on television, Trevor was once again given the chance to help his buddy. Trevor sees his friend being beaten up again by the same two bullies and valiantly rides his bike to the rescue of his friend. Trevor jumps off his bike and begins to fight for his friend when one of the two boys pulls out a knife from his pocket and stabs Trevor in the stomach. Trevor falls to the ground and ultimately dies from his wound.

When the movie came to an end like that I became incensed. I stormed out of the basement and found myself out in my backyard enraged at the senseless ending to a good and enjoyable movie. A kid with a noble idea to try to change just a little bit of the world he lived in. I was angry! I had just wanted to kick back and watch a no brainer for a movie and relax a bit but was taken in by this film in ways I didn't want and didn't expect. But as I stood in my backyard vowing not to ever watch that stupid movie again, thoughts of Jesus began to overpower me.

What Jesus went through was real, not fictional. What Jesus experienced was not thought up somewhere in Hollywood. Jesus wasn't a fictional boy in a fictional movie. Jesus came to this earth and loved people like you and me. Sinful, fallen people. He showed us how much the Father in Heaven loves us by becoming one of us. God Himself experienced all our hardships and tribulations. Then, after showing us what God is really like, Jesus died on a bloody cross so that we could have a new life, in Him. God paid the penalty for our sins once and for all! He did it all so we can have an eternity with Him. What a God! This was not just some random act of kindness. What Jesus went through is beyond any suffering I could ever possibly imagine. Yet, He did it all out of love for you and me. He knew that He was going to die in our place and He still came.

One day there will be no more pain or suffering, sin or tribulations. One day, we will be able to look Jesus in the face and praise Him for what He has done for us. He has given us new life! I hope that day comes soon.

In Him,
Bill Fritz

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